Our mission

Our primary objective is to create an innovative and revolutionary platform that will significantly provide its customers with reduced prices, an equal level of product quality and best possible customer support. The company strives to be the first to market with this daring new idea so as to rebuild the broken trust of customers which has been lost due to the online shopping scams.

Our values

Over the last few years, internet speeds have got faster than ever, the convenience of m.commerce and with the emergence of 3G/4G internet in Pakistan, a large number of online businesses have come into existence (even a number is upcoming). As the popularity of internet shopping grows, so the number of complaints about transactions is increasing. That is why there is an abundance of fraudulent shopping scams that rely on the anonymity of the internet. This has also affected the credibility of well reputed and trustworthy online businesses.
Due to the fraudulent activities of immense online businesses, there is a wide trust-gap between e-commerce companies and customers in Pakistan. It can take weeks, months, or even years to heal that trust of people. On the other hand, unfortunately, it only takes one misstep or action contrary to the person’s or organization’s stated values to lose all the trust you worked so hard to earn. So, hereby, our main objective is to rebuild and retain the lost trust of the customers.